Friday, November 20, 2009


Please see my new blog at

Thursday, October 29, 2009

55- Nepal 4- Chilis, Bamboo, and Full on Concert

(continued…) Okay, so the end of the last entry may have been a bit exaggerated suspense for the sake of the writing, nonetheless, the next few days WERE- STINKING AWESOME!

The next morning I woke up around 6:30 I think. I went to the roof for a bit which was gorgeous with the morning mist resting on the huge green hills. I spent a little time with God then went downstairs to be quite surprised.

All of the kids were sitting on the mat and doing homework. They were each working on an assignment of some sort or reading… at seven in the morning! I sat on the couch and didn’t really say anything just smiled. One at a time they came to me, hugged me, and said “Good morning brother.” (I forgot to mention the night before they all hugged me good night, and told me to have good dream.”)

Then a few of them, one a time, came to me to read to me. They would read different stories, or sections of scripture. I loved it. I miss it.

Breakfast was usually pretty good. Potatoes cooked differently, maybe a banana, hard-boiled egg, As we were eating and enjoying each others company, we heard a sound in the other room. The kids were singing! They continued to sing with the accompaniment of a hand drum and tambourine. After we finished eating, we quickly went in to join them. After a bit more singing, they all went around speaking one at a time in Nepali. After they finished, they then asked us if we had any prayer needs. We shared ours. Then they began to pray. They all prayed at the same time and with much passion. Some raised their voices, some furrowed their brow in focus, and most certainly their voices were carefully listened to by the Father.

After prayer they all got up and lined themselves up in a little formation. They burst into a song. I loved it! Then they did another, and another… and another. They ended up singing close to 40 songs. As much as I loved them all- I was like “Wow. They’re still going!” One nearly made me cry. It talked about overcoming. W-O-W-O!

After music, Mark, Brother Nepal, and I continued to attempt to make some contact through emails and such to keep trying to get the equipment. No luck. A bit later, I joined Bill and Timothy in weeding out the future playground spot. It was quite muddy. Our team also smoothed out the dirt edges and started planning out a retaining wall.

I loved playing with the kids so much. We played soccer, basketball, swung on the old swing set and just whatever. Their energy, joy and spirit is quite contagious. I felt like they made me a better person. Basketball was complete chaos. Pass it once in a while, dribbling optional. More like a light rugby. So much fun! Chaos and I did have fun dunking it on the short goal! haha

The previous day Ruth would take Lori to go smell something nice and then she would lead her to the duck pen where it smelled gross. Then she tried to trick Lori into a eating a chili which she did and ended up being quite hot. So now its my turn. They actually tried some and spit them out. To give them a good time I took a bite of what I found out later was pretty big one. I only bit into half of it and at first yelled just for drama but quickly my mouth filled with fire. It was seriously extremely hot. My taste buds over the last year seemed to have been able to stand more hot things, but this was a lot. I went to my room found a Cliff bar and after some water and like 20 minutes it finally started to calm down. Quite hot… but totally worth it.

Later that afternoon our order of bamboo came in and so we unloaded it all and dragged it down the hill and quickly found a little shortcut where we slid it down a section of the hill. It was hard work but honestly sliding that bamboo down that hill was pretty fun!

I think this night was when we had these fajita type things. Spicy meat in a tortilla thing with some sauce. “Mmmm Mrs. M- this is delicious!” In Nepalese I would say something like –“khaanaa Dherai mitho chha” which translates like- this food is delicious! 

After dinner we sang a bit more with them, I got my guitar out and played for them as they sang their songs. I played my song “Abba” for them, which was cool to me singing about the Father to a group of orphans. Not sad, just cool. I love Jesus. Those kids are beautiful.

Before bed, I talked with Jen and Lori for a bit. Got laughing a while too. Ha. Good times! Our quote book was filling up pretty quick.

Sorry I don’t have anything suspenseful to end with except that the next day was extremely eventful and memorable.

More to come…


Sunday, October 25, 2009

54- Nepal Trip 3- The First night

     We put all of our luggage on the porch and as we all stood outside the children then started filing out of the orphanage in single file singing a song for us and gave each of us a bouquet of flowers. My heart melted as I ran to my backpack to grab my camera. They each gave us a hug and I got my very own bouquet. I had never been so happy to get flowers. In those few minutes outside of an orphanage in the Kathmandu valley, a bunch of kids stole my heart and never gave it back. We proceeded to go inside to their main classroom area where they sat single file on some mats. Then each of them introduced themselves and said their name, grade, and age and something like “I am glad to meet you.” Their English was quite good. As each one introduced themselves, I was just overcome with excitement and love towards them. Then we introduced ourselves. I told them I was 24, played guitar and was very happy to be there. I was more than happy to be there.

     We eventually lugged all of our junk up to the fifth floor, where we had a surprisingly nice living arrangements. The guys had 2 rooms with a bathroom, as did the girls. Only 2 beds on the guys side and 2 on the girls, but with sleeping bags and mattresses it all worked out. We had a short team meeting, but I was anxious to get back to the kids. We soon went back down where I got to know Daniel, David, and Philip as well as many other amazing people. It took a bit to learn all the names. Jen was a bit quicker than myself, but I got them soon enough. Eliza, Mary, Ruth, Hannah, Angel, Christina, Rebekah, Puja, Noah, Samson, Philip, Daniel, David, Abraham, Samson, Timothy, James, John, Mahyma, Mamata, Emmanuel, Ezekiel, and other house parents and helpers were the beautiful people that blessed my life.
     The olders one soon got home from school and met us with hugs as well. Soon we made our way outside where I ended up in a 2 on 2 football (soccer) match where the goal was instead a small wood post on the concrete to knock over. It was quite fun, but my out-of-shapeness also made itself apparent. Way worth it though! After that we washed our feet in a beautiful little stream. Then armed with hand sanitizer, I headed to dinner.

     I don’t quite remember what we had for dinner that night, but all in all the meals were quite good. We ate by ourselves before the kids came in to eat. Nepal and Soppana would sit there and we would make conversation. It was a bit awkward as I would just rather everyone eat at the same time, but I suppose that styles of service is apart of their culture. We drank TONS of bottled water. I handled that water- it didn’t stand a chance…

     After dinner, the kids then ate and then we got to hang out with them some more. In America, kids will usually bring you a book and make you read it to them. Here, the kids would bring us books and read it to us. It was quite fun! Their English was terrific. I would think it would be like, let me read this short paragraph… Ha! Sometimes it would be short, other times it would be quite long stories or passages of Scripture. I didn’t care. As long as I was with the kids, I was cool.

     After a while the young ones went to bed while the older ones stayed up a bit longer to work on their homework. Their discipline was provoking.

   I eventually made it to bed. The bed was quite hard but I had never seen such a beautiful place in my life- literally. I was excited to be there and looking forward to the days ahead. I had no idea what I was in for.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

53- Nepal Trip 2- Getting to the Orphanage

We were planning a building a playground that had been donated and already shipped. We found out that the company who was holding it was asking $15,000 USD to release it. Otherwise it the political process to release it would take too long and we would be gone. We were disappointed and quite upset. We had paid a shipping company to take care of this and I guess their international partner was not being so cooperative with us. We were just going to do our best and see what happens.
That night we went out to see the town a bit. Visited several shops and also took an unexpected adventure through the city. We were wanting to go see this monkey place but we didn’t quite know where we were going and spent much longer walking through an unfamiliar city than we preferred. Thank the Lord we made it back to the hotel!
The next morning we spent some time in prayer and worship on the roof of the hotel. We encouraged each other, sang over the city, praised God, and received strength from the Spirit. It was a very encouraging time. At one point we were praying over Duane and lifting him up and out of nowhere this dog came up on the roof and went straight to Duane. He seemed tame and healthy. It was crazy because we were just asking God to bless Duane and it was almost like that dog going to Him was a sign of God’s attention to him. Just kinda cool.
At noon, we loaded up our luggage inside and on top of a van and made our way towards the orphanage. Again, people, motorcycles, and buses filled the streets. I was a bit more familiar with the chaos of traffic this time around but still mesmerized to see the crazy close calls and the closeness of the next driver. Although it was sure fun to offer a smile in slow traffic and have people respond likewise.
After about an hour or crawling out of the city and into the valley we stopped on a empty road and were told this is it. I didn’t see anything. After a bit of unloading I realized we were to walk down a rocky hill to the orphanage. Vans couldn’t make it down. It took us quite a while to unload and drag our stuff down the hill but it was way worth it. It started to rain a bit but with what happened next I was unconcerned.

Friday, October 23, 2009

52- Nepal Trip 1: First few days

We left Kansas City early Friday morning. Our team consisted of seven: Mark White- Team Leader, Bill Helbling, Dale Williamson, Duane Smith, Lori Brown, Jennifer Collier, and myself- Bryce Anderson. I sat with Lori every flight. J Shes pretty neat. We flew to Denver then to Los Angeles. We then geared up for the long flight. Sent my last few texts took my last few breaths of US air, and headed for the plane. By the grace of God I was able to check my guitar in at the gate or take it on most of the flights! The plane was quite fat. It held ten seats across with two aisles and went back some 66 rows. I sat with Lori again and was quite thankful to have a window seat.
It took around 10 hours to get to Tokyo where we had a layover then on to Singapore which was another 5 or so hours. I don’t remember. Basically I feel like I step out of time, don’t know when I should be sleeping or not and even if I did I can’t always manage to do so. Meals, movies, and conversations helped to pass the time.
We stayed in a hotel for several hours at the terminal in Singapore and finally made it to Kathmandu the next day.
Flying into Nepal was pretty awesome- as in literally, I was full of awe. We saw the Himalayas, of which I was told one was Mount Everest but couldn’t quite tell which one it was (yes I know it was the tallest). Also as we were flying down into Kathmandu, the valley was beautiful was sparse buildings along side beautiful rolling farm-patched hills and country side.
The airport was quite small. We all boarded a bus and drove about 5 seconds to the building, I think it would have been quicker to walk, but hey- I am not in charge. Haha
We met with Brother Nepal and were constantly being asked for tips for guys wanting to talk our luggage for us.
The van ride to the hotel was overwhelming. I was culturally slapped in the face.
The poverty was extreme. Trash lined the streets, along with beggars and everyone trying to sell their products in little stores. Dogs lifelessly slept or hobbled down the road. The driving was chaotically controlled with traffic pulsating inches away and drivers methodically shimmying past other motorcycles or buses. Their crazed driving was normal and was never upsetting. Americans take it personally when someone violates a rule or expectation. Nepalese take it as it comes and just keep going. My nostrils filled with the mixture of rotting trash and automotive fumes, causing all senses to be challenged.
We arrived at the hotel to meet again more men wanting tips to help move luggage. We settled in our rooms and then upon further conversation with Brother Nepal and Kishor, the two house dads at the orphanage, found out some very disappointing news.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

51- Nepal is upon us

Well I have to be at the church in 5 hours to then head to the airport to then make my way across the earth to a little orphanage to love on some kids that God knows intimately.
Sounds exciting
Please pray for our team! Pray for safe travel, health, smooth work on the playground, boldness in the gospel wherever we are, and the love of Christ to shine in our faces.
Jesus gets all the glory, cuz He is the only one that deserves it anyway.
Blessings to you



Saturday, October 3, 2009

50- October 3, 2009- Last few days in Ohio

So this last week all of our shows have been outside. So we have been praying for the weather to cooperate. Tuesday was pretty chilly- I suppose thats what you get doing a show outside in Chillicothe.  It went real well though. People flooded the stage at the altar call and a lot of great ministry happened.  

Wednesday, I hung with Island Breeze and played their show with them that night. It wasnt chilly, it was downright cold.  My guitar felt wet as I condensation was building and stuff. I had an absolute BLAST though.  I think I had more fun that the oven in Zanesville, probably because I knew the music a bit better and could watch the dancers a bit more.  So much fun!!!
At one point Rudy was talking about how we were designed to be a was giving examples of how things are supposed to be.  He mentioned first "If a star was taken out of the sky it would die..." Later we found out that a HUGE shooting star flew across the sky at that point. Like so long that it was distracting... Pretty awesome! Again, many came forward and responded to the gospel.

Thursday, I hung with Island Breeze all day. Performed at 2 nursing homes and an elementary school... It was alot of fun.  This was the first time I had seen their school stuff.  They danced sang and painted the kids faces... It was alot of fun.  I will post videos on that soon...

We got back too late for the GX show but God once again held off the rain for the show "(it rained all day the next day.)  The stadium was packed out and people filled the isles to respond to the gospel.  GOD IS SOO AWESOME!!!

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Island Breeze. Not cool.  They became like family. Over a few short weeks I grew to love those people... 

I also got to hang with some GX guys yesterday which was cool... Did some bowling and ate some pizza. At the bowling ally we did the arcade games a bit. I won 100 bonus tickets on a game.  I was gonna give them to a little girl there and when I asked she said no. She had 1,000 bonus tickets coming out at that point. I asked her like 2 more times, even her mom was asking. She didnt want my lousy tickets... Wow- got rejected by a 7 year old... :)
good times and great oldies

Seeyall soon


Monday, September 28, 2009

49- September 28, 2009

Well, my computer got soup spilled on it a week ago so I have been unable to the updates. Please pray for my computer.
We are in Chillicothe as of this last Thursday. 
Did 4 school assemblies on Friday. They went well. All team worship was awesome on Friday night. We went for like 2 hours and 45 minutes.... Some tender fingers thats for sure :)
Saturday we went early to the prison and because of the fog count they had to cancel our first show, but we had 2 more shows lots of guys came forward and I got to pray with a few guys. Good stuff...
Sunday morning, we drove to Athens and had a show at a church outreach. It went terrific. That night we had a show in Portsmouth.  Both like an hour away.  Long day.  But lots of responses.  Jesus is doing some awesome stuff here in Ohio. Thank you for all your prayers.
Tomorrow night is our big show here in Chillicothe.  Please pray. It is outside so you can pray for the blessing of the weather, the focus of hearts, the right words preached, and tender hearts to receive it.  Jesus is worthy of the worship. Souls are in the balance.
Thanks for your prayers!!!


Monday, September 21, 2009

48- September 18, 2009- School Assemblies

2 School assemblies- Kids are pumped for Tuesday night for the big show at the HS. Pray for the gospel to go forth!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

47- September 16, 2009 School Assembly

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

46- September 15, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

45- September 14th

Sunday, September 13, 2009

44- Headed to Ohio

Friday, September 11, 2009

43- September 11th

I was walking down the hallway at school and Darrin Johnson told me that terrorists flew a plane into a building- or something like that. We watched coverage at school for most of the day I think. Prolly prayed too as I went to a Christian school.
I remember just feeling sick when I watched the coverage at home. It hurt but was still hard to pull myself away from it. Maybe I thought I was gonna miss something.
It was tragic.
It is true worse things have happened or whatever- but real people died that day. Souls faced God and realized where they will spend forever.
I remember it.
People flocked to churches and sought answers from God who seemed quickly forgotten and dismissed.
I pray that as people "remember" 9/11 that God is not set aside.
He is the ONE in charge and I pray that He continues to receive glory in that and other tragedies.
Soli Deo Gloria- To God alone be the Glory

Monday, September 7, 2009

42- Bryce Update

So last week my internship at IHOP formally ended - although I will probably continue helping out here and there. I loved my experience there and got to meet a lot of great people.

I spent this last week at the Lake of the Ozarks with some friends. I had a blast being able to relax a bit. We canoed, fished, worshiped God, played games, and just hung out. It was a great getaway!

I got back Friday night. This week I have a week full of guitar lessons and sitting with Jesus.

Monday I leave for the Impact World Tour in Ohio. I will be traveling with TeamXtreme. TeamXtreme performs shows that demonstrate physical power like breaking, smashing, and blowing up things. They also share the gospel. I will NOT be breaking much. Haha. I will be helping lead worship for the team and help with sound needs here and there and just kind of supporting the team. I am super excited and can't wait for the opportunity to minister and bless people ready for the gospel.
Heres a little bit more about what they do...
I will be with them for two and a half weeks.

I get back then have a few days to prepare for my trip to Nepal. I will be leaving October 9 and get back on the 19th.

Please keep me in your prayers the next several weeks.



Saturday, August 29, 2009

41- Like a Tree

Jeremiah 17:7-8 are 2 powerful verses.

I "randomly" (haha- thank You Holy Spirit) saw them tonight as I opened up the Bible. (I suppose there is a lesson in that too- God will do cool stuff if we do our little part and just open up the Bible.)

7~ "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord; whose trust is the Lord.
8~ He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit"

If I pour a glass of water in the grass, it helps the grass and is needed for the grass. It is just what the plant needs to grow. It is perfect for its life.
But it needs it every day. One glass of water from God is perfect. But I need Him everyday. The water I receive today is for today but will not get me through tomorrow (reminds me of how God directed the Israelites with manna).
Essentially, I need God today- I also need Him tomorrow.
I can not survive on yesterdays glass of water. I need something fresh today.
Holy Spirit give me a refill of You. Give me the discipline to stay under your shower of life. To be like a tree that has roots in the stream. I want to constantly ask and receive life and power from you. I don't want to come to the stream once in a while. I want to be planted by water.

I didn't even get into the depths of the rest of v. 8. I want to understand it more.

Friday, August 21, 2009

40- Isaiah 54

verse three says:

"...For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,"
says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

Monday, August 17, 2009

39- Jesus Lover of My Sould - The Hymn

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Words: Charles Wesley, 1740 (Wis. 11:26)
Music: Joseph Parry, 1879


Jesus, lover of my soul,
let me to thy bosom fly,
while the nearer waters roll,
while the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Savior, hide,
till the storm of life is past;
safe into the haven guide;
O receive my soul at last.

Other refuge have I none,
hangs my helpless soul on thee;
leave, ah! leave me not alone,
still support and comfort me.
All my trust on thee is stayed,
all my help from thee I bring;
cover my defenseless head
with the shadow of thy wing.

Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
more than all in thee I find;
raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is thy name,
I am all unrighteousness;
false and full of sin I am;
thou art full of truth and grace.

Plenteous grace with thee is found,
grace to cover all my sin;
let the healing streams abound,
make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art,
freely let me take of thee;
spring thou up within my heart;
rise to all eternity.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

38- The Faithful God of Miracles who Provides

I do nothing.
and HE does everything.
I am clueless
and HE knows the details of tomorrow
I cant work it out
and HE already did

At the beginning of this week, we had a meeting for Nepal and SendOutCards. At the team meeting beforehand, we realized we're in a pickle. We hadn't had communication with the orphanage, didn't know if the land would be prepped for the playground, several team members didn't have enough funds, we weren't sure if we would have enough time with the kids, not sure where we were staying etc... Just alot of stuff.
At the meeting we invited people too, we talked about our needs and spent some time in prayer. We asked God to work in Nepal, help our team, and to basically setup this trip.
Praise God!!!
1- After the meeting I was talking with Mark (team leader) and a friend Eric. I happened to log on to Skype and got to talk to one of our contacts and got some awesome contact info for the orphanage as well as answers to other questions.
2- Wednesday one of our team members receives a check for $1,000.
3- Thursday another team member receives $1,000.
4- We also found out that our whole team will be able to go.
5- Also, someone Mark contacted in Nepal, got pictures and measurements of the land we will be building the playground on.

Not to mention the other things God is showing His goodness through.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

37- Miracles

God has been doing so many cool things in my life lately. The other night my sisters and I randomly got to talk to these 2 women who are doing awesome things for the kingdom! We talked for an hour and a half and it was obvious by all God arranged our paths. Last night God really encouraged me through some stuff. Yesterday I was looking for my passport for a long time. Today, as I was trying to spend time with God, my mind wondered or whatever, but then He showed me right where to look. I found my passport.
God is soo good.
He is Victorious! There is no-one like HIM

Monday, August 3, 2009

36- WE DID IT!!

Thank you to EVERYONE who sent a card through my site this last month. I (barely) got 100 people to send a FREE card through SendOutCards and will receive $1,000 that I will put towards my trip to Nepal!
If you would please come celebrate with us August 10, 2009 at 7pm at Lees Summit Community Church, we will have dessert, talk about our trip and talk about our adventure with the cards.
So if you want to hear more about our trip to Nepal or how I made $1,000 in 30 days please join us.
Here is a Facebook Invite
I hope you can make it!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

35- You can Help Send Bryce to Nepal- FOR FREE


If you have ten minutes of time, that could essentially equal TEN dollars toward my trip to Nepal in October.

All you have to do is go to and click the banner, follow Kody in how to make a card, and send anyone you like a card- FOR FREE

SendOutCards allows users to create and customize a card on their website and then they print and mail a real card with a real stamp to whomever you choose.

If I can get 100 different people (households) to go through this walk-through in the month of July, they will give me...

$1,000 ! ! !

of which will go straight to my trip to help an orphanage in Nepal.

Please bless help invest in the blessing of orphans by sending a free card to anyone you like.

If you have any questions PLEASE email me at Go ahead and give it a try- We only have 3 more weeks!!!


Friday, June 26, 2009

34- Nepal in October

I hope this letter finds you well. I just recently graduated from the University of Central Missouri with a degree in Music Technology. The degree essentially allows me to be able to produce music. Although, I am unclear in how and where God wants me to serve, one opportunity that I feel strongly about is a short-term mission to Nepal.
Sometime last year, I got a call from a man named Uttam. Uttam serves the kingdom by helping disciple and train young people in Nepal. I had a great meeting with him and thought about the idea of going sometime. Later on, a good friend of mine shared that he wanted to build a playground at one of the orphanages there. This also got my attention as I love kids. The idea of using music with children, especially orphans, is something that really stirs my heart. I love the idea of really using the power of music to change hearts. I would love to be able to sing of the Father’s heart to those who do not know it. I have since met with a small team planning on going to Nepal to install a playground, yes, but even more to show the love of Jesus by encouraging community and revealing the heart of the Father.
My chief invitation is to ask for prayer partners. I do not want to attempt to serve the kingdom in such a way, without a prayer covering. Please consider putting me and the team as well on your prayer list.
There is a financial need. I will need to raise around $3000 to serve in Nepal. I ask you to please pray about being apart of this mission. If God wants you to give, please do. At the same time, don’t feel pressured to give either. I trust God has set apart the funds.
I specifically hope to really use my gift in music to draw people together and allow them to see Jesus. I am excited to sing over and bless orphans. I want to love the ones that Father loves. What better place to do that than at the top of the world!
If any of you have any other thoughts or questions please email me at . Also, to get some random thoughts on life, my blog is
Even broader than just this trip, I would love to have prayer support as I endeavor into a season of unknown. I do not know where the Lord will take me and would love to have some prayer support in the journey. If this is something you are also interested in, please email me.

Bless you!
~ bryce

For more info: for info on the work being done in Nepal

NOTE: If you choose to give:
Please include a brief note with your check to indicate if the financial support is for team member support & which team member or if is building material support or both. Please also put the following account number on the note & in the check memo: #12032.000

Send to:
Lee’s Summit Community Church
1440 S.W. Jefferson
Lee’s Summit, MO 64081
RE: Playgrounds Of Peace
816-524-6786 (email)

Send to:
Lee’s Summit Community Church
1440 S.W. Jefferson
Lee’s Summit, MO 64081
RE: Playgrounds Of Peace
816-524-6786 (email) (web site)
October 9 – 18, 2009 ~ Kathmandu, Nepal
Hope Home - Playground & Relationship Building- Short Term Mission Trip

Thursday, June 25, 2009

33- Most Important Thing About Us

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us...
Worship is pure or base as the worshiper entertains high or low thoughts of God. For this reason the gravest question before the Church is always God Himself, and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like."
What do I think about God?
Do I think about God?
I want to have a healthy fear of who God is, alongside a confidence in His love for me. Jesus, I want to know You, that I may think of you rightly.
Do you think about God? How so?
thanks Mr. Tozer

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

32- Praise

How would you define praise?
When it comes down to real life, what is it really?
Some of my thoughts...
I think praise is admitting/confessing/declaring something that is already true. It is seeing, agreeing, and responding to something valuable. Praising God is seeing something worthy in Him and telling Him that truth. For me, part of praise is closely linked with gratitude. Oh how I am grateful for God pulling me out of the pit. Thank You Lord for your generous mercy that saved my life. You are so good to me Lord.
The word appraisal came to mind the other day. To attribute value.
The other side of praise is just seeing His awesomeness and worshipping in wonder.
I want to recognize His goodness to me and wonder at His majesty.
Throughout my schedule, I want to see Him in all things and praise Him for who He is.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

31- Psalm 139:14

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

30 - Study God holds that theology is "the field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God's attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity."

If this be true should not every Christian be a theologian. Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, Doug Brown, Jack Anderson, John Piper, Sam Storms, and others offer great and needed explanation and exhortation of who God is. But do I know God for myself?
I am done simply letting them do it for me. I can not surive if I attempt to live off of someone else's study of the Bible. I must know God for myself. I must be a student of His Word. I must be a student of who God is. I must be a theologian. Maybe not at the same level of other great minds, but as I hunger for Christ I gotta go to the source.
I can only know so much about Ben through Scott. If I really want to know Ben, I gotta go to Ben and spend time with him. Scott may give me some ideas and helps into who Ben is, but if I am gonna really be a friend I have to go the person.

Basically, I feel inspired and led to really pursue the study of God. Life is too short to not know my stuff and God is too great to leave Him aside. Its time to learn the things I talk about learning and figure out the things I talk about curiously.

Its time to get to know who made me.
Its time to understand (if even the smallest bit) who holds my life in His hand.

PS "Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, Doug Brown, Jack Anderson, John Piper, Sam Storms, and others" are men I greatly respect and will most likely continue to use and receive inspiration and encouragement from. In fact they inspire me ot get into the Word for myself. Sooo, dont anyone take that as a slam on those guys. There ma guys!

Monday, June 15, 2009

29 - St. Mark

Excerpt from the Fox's Book of Martyrs

St. Mark
Was born of Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi. He is supposed to have been converted to Christianity by Peter, whom he served as an amanuensis, and under whose inspection he wrote his Gospel in the Greek language. Mark was dragged to pieces by the people of Alexandria, at the great solemnity of Serapis their idol, ending his life under their merciless hands.

God make me ready to die to for You. But now make me ready to live for You.
YOU are worth it.
I love you Jesus.

your son,


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

28- 2 Chronicles 14:11

And Asa cried to the LORD his God, "O LORD, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this multitude. O LORD, you are our God; let not man prevail against you."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

27- Denver, Red-neck Vegas, and Chanute

So last week on Friday May 22, I headed west with some pretty amazing people. Myself, the Faagutus (Rachel, Uelese, and their 3 kids) and the Motlongs (Josh and Sarah and their Isabella) traveled to Colorado. We left Friday afternoon and got there... oh around 5am saturday. I got between 3-4 hrs of sleep. 9 of us stayed in a one bedroom apartment. Oh it was fun.
Later that night we headed to Colorado Springs and led worship at a prayer meeting at Freedom Church (Dutch Sheets church). Rachel did a great job leading and I loved playing with the team inclulding some other friends of the Faagutus from the area. I really enjoyed being able to worship and also learned a lot.
The next morning we led worship at Power Invasion Ministries in Denver. Again, lovedworshipping there and was also very encouraged and ministered to. I got to know some pretty cool people while I was there.
I spend Monday with my cousin, Jon. We headed up to Estes with his housemate Jacob and looked at a pretty sweet art show as well as did some offroading. I may not have been ready for the roughness of the off-roading, but was a memorable experience nonetheless. Maybe I am just a sissy... :)

Good times!!!
Monday night I joined the group again and we did a sound check at the news station.
Tuesday we played on the local News- the Deuce. Uelese (SAM*SON) did an awesome job! And it was a lot of fun playing (even though he gives me trouble for a dash of vibrato in a song, which upon reviewing was pretty silly :)


Josh and goose Isabella Lei Manna
I did not get a pic of Comay on the trip but here is an old one so shes not left out...

There is a video here for song just look through the video list for SAM*SON
and here is another...

We eventually left town after the show and ended getting back to KC around 3am, Wed. It was tiring but totally a blast!

Friday, May 29th my family and I left for Branson MO aka Red-neck Vegas. If your not familiar with Branson, it has a lot of different shows, restaurants and activities most of which are geared toward families and midwest/southern style. I had a really good time with my family. We went to Dixie Stampede, did some mini-golfing, shopping and certainly some eating too. I really do love my fam.

We got home Sunday.
Yesterday (June 6th) afternoon I headed to Chanute KS where I got to see some dear friends and spend time with them.

This morning I got to minister at First Baptist of Chanute. I led worship but also preached too. It had been a long time since I really taught the Word. Last time was over 3 years and was to a small girls Bible study. I was a bit nervous but ended really enjoying doing it and even went a bit long.

I spoke on how the Lord wants to be friends with us and for us to respond to this, we must understand His mercy. If we don't know his kindness to us we keep Him at a distance and cant receive the grace and love that gives us power to live righteously.

I am now home.

I have been out of town the last 3 weekends. I enjoy traveling but it will be nice staying around, at least for a little while.
God is growing me. I love Him. I love the Holy Spirit.
God is good.

Monday, May 18, 2009

26- Holy Hip Hop

Rap is one of the major classifications/genres of music alive today. Hip hop (also known as rap) is characterized by rhythmic and fluid lyrics along with heavy beats that make the listener want to move.
In the spirit of the late DC Talk- I love rap music!
I love how the rhythms and beats and catchy hooks can draw in the listener and make them want to get up and dance (or at least try).

It has become a popular (and accurate) accusation that the hip hop culture is one that promotes and influences the worship of drugs, the love of money, and the dehumanization of women. It is also popular for listeners to justify there music and convictions by attempting to convince themselves they just listen to the beat. I like a good beat, but please dont attempt to excuse yourself to listen to trashy lyrics and ideas for the sake of a good beat. Whether or not you think you are soaking the lyrics in. I am not writing to bash the immorality of mainstream rap, which for me is obviously not an option.

As a Christian it can be very difficult to find decent music as so very often, the music represented on the radio clicks more with middle-aged women than it does young people. Especially in the area of finding a good beat and groove. Specifically hip-hop.

For a long time I listened to Grits and Cross Movement. Which I would strongly recommend. Cross Movement has a record label with a number of other artists they represent. I would encourage you to check it out.
Lately I have been getting to know another group of hip hop artists. Reach Records has a handful of quality of rappers including Lecrae, Sho Baraka, Trip Lee and Tedashii.
I love it that John Piper had endorsed Lecrae and has worked with him in interviews and also producing his music video for "Don't Waste Your Life."
Another artist to check out would be Lyrycyst.
One thing I would recommend is listen to the free internet radio on Padora and create a channel with Lecrae or one of the artists I have mentioned. From there you can find similar artists.
Check out some of these sites I have linked to, launch the jukeboxes or music players and get some sweet beats along with some serious preaching too.